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Gta Sa Weapon Mods


This mod brings you that same weapon from Half-Life 2, right into San Andreas. The mod adds a new firing mode to the SMG too, giving you a pulse beam that not only kills any NPC with a single shot, but also bounces off any object, including buildings.

I just finished drawing icons from weapon renders (my drawings are in LQ to avoid any performance issue, they will be in HQ on final version) and I started testing ammo system and save weapon system, since the wheel at the moment shows every weapon in the game. More updates to come.

Gta Sa Weapon Mods

NOTE: This is a work-in-progress version, so you will always have all the weapons in the inventory at once. Each weapon you collect won't add any ammo. Double wielding is not implemented yet and ammo display needs to be more accurate. Those things will be fixed in future versions.

This is complete remaster of all weapons, items, pickups and other mission / cutscene various tools and weapons.This is not your average free downloaded models from internet and tossed in the game, this is high quality, well optimized, bought and made models, and each weapon is exactly the same (real life) model of default weapon.This is not remastered to measurement of default weapons which this game did to some weapons from oversizing to weird stretching.Weapons are sized to the real gun measurement.

I don't have plans, I did this mod cause I had few models already bought from internet, I use to search exactly the same weapons they used in this game, and I figure let's do this mod, all weapon mods are trash if you ask me, don't mean disrespect.I think we are pretty much WRAPPED this up now, no better guns will be made that's for sure.

Insanity is not even covering as much models as I made here, not to talk about optimization, uv maps are terrible and to much textures in txd archives = draw calls in game = fps drop.They don't match hand, most weapons is not even actual gun which is represented in the game, parachute crash the game etc.

Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas features 38 different weapons and three special items, where they follow the same mechanics as in previous titles, however, the arsenal has been expanded with the introduction of "consumable items", as well as "gifts", which are primarily used for girlfriends and optionally used as melee weapons.

A notable improvement over previous games is the auto-aiming system on every weapon (except the Rifle, the Sniper Rifle, projectiles, or any of the heavy weapons), which occurs when the target is within the weapon's range (determined by the type of weapon and the player's proficiency with that weapon based on the skill) and takes the priority on the closest target when facing multiple NPCs. Another feature of this improvement is the targeting lock that changes color as the target's health decreases. Green progresses to orange, which progresses to red, and finally black upon the target's death.

Another notable feature is a weapon skill system; where it determines the general proficiency of the player with the weapons. This increases when the player shoots accurately. Getting a high Weapon Skill increases the ability with weapons and grants more versatility when used. There are three levels of skill: "Poor", "Gangster", and "Hitman".

One new feature is the ability to duel-wield certain weapons after reaching Hitman weapon skill level. These weapons are light enough and feature reloading that is compatible with holding one in each hand. This allows the player to inflict twice the amount of damage per reload cycle. For weapons that have Double Weapon Hitman, it takes longer to reach 100% weapon skill opposed to other weapons that can only be wielded with both hands.

Unlike in Vice City and San Andreas, where each weapon has a separate mesh and texture, GTA3's weapons are stored in a single DFF and TXD file, namely weapons.dff and generic.txd; only the selected object from the model hierarchy, e.g. pistol or Uzi is visible when the player chooses a weapon.

Vice City is the first GTA that lets you replace a weapon of the same type. Information on melee combat is located in the melee.dat file. The textures and models of the weapons are located in the gta3.img file. The HUD icon of the fist is located in the hud.txd file.

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12px;.tweet-body font-size: 16px;margin: 8px 0;.tweet-images-container margin: 8px 0;/* reset existing applied css with !important. Shouldn't be applied for AMP*/#tweet-output display: none !important;.tweet-outer-container display: block !important;overflow-wrap: anywhere;.tweet-outer-container div width: auto;float: none !important;.tweet-outer-container img background: transparent !important;.tweet-outer-container a text-decoration: none !important;overflow: hidden;.tweet-body-container .tweet-body color: #0f1419 !important;cursor: text !important;.tweet-body a:hover text-decoration: underline !important;.tweet-images-container overflow: hidden !important;.tweet-user-image width: 36px !important;height: 36px !important;.twitter-play width: 60px !important;.yt-aspect-ratio-container position: relative;display: block;.yt-aspect-ratio-container iframe position: absolute;top: 0;left: 0;width: 100%;height: 100%;border-radius: 4px;There has been a multitude of graphics mods available for GTA San Andreas for many years, which makes sense, considering how active the modding community is and how long the game's been out. However, not every gamer knows which mods are the best and are actually worth trying out. 2ff7e9595c


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